Amy Ostdiek: Colorado River Crisis: water rights, climate change, and international obligations

wednesday April 16, 2025, 7 PM

Mount Vernon Canyon Club at 24933 Club House Drive, Golden, CO

Amy Ostdiek is the Chief of the Interstate, Federal, and Water Information Section at the Colorado Water Conservation Board. Much of her work focuses on Colorado River matters, including supporting Commissioner Becky Mitchell in her role as Colorado’s principal negotiator on interstate Colorado River matters. She oversees a team focused on managing and protecting Colorado's water interests in interstate compacts and coordinating with federal agencies and other states, particularly regarding the Colorado River issues.  Prior to joining CWCB, Ms. Ostdiek was an Assistant Attorney General with the Colorado River Subunit at the Colorado Attorney General’s Office. Ms. Ostdiek is originally from rural Western Nebraska. She attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Colorado Law School.