wednesday March 19, 2025, 7 PM

Mount Vernon Canyon Club at 24933 Club House Drive, Golden, CO


Ambassador Raymond Burghardt: President of Pacific Century Institute

Because of the strong interest in Robert Daly’s February 19th presentation on the roles for China, Taiwan and the rest of Asia under President Trump’s new foreign policy, the Colorado Foothills World Affairs Council will offer an unprecedented second consecutive program on this critical region, but from a different perspective.

Ambassador Raymond Burghardt served during the Bush and Obama administrations as Chairman of the Washington Office of the American Institute of Taiwan (AIT) from 2006 to 2016 and Director of AIT Taipei from 1999 to 2001. For many years, Amb. Burghardt was one of the leading Asian experts in the US State Department. He was Ambassador to Vietnam (2001-04), Consul General in Shanghai (1997-99), and Deputy Chief of Mission in Manila (1993-96) and Seoul (1990-93). In the 1980s, he was Special Assistant to President Reagan for Latin American Affairs. He is a consultant to the Institute for Defense Analyses, advises major companies on Asian affairs, and serves on for-profit and nonprofit boards. He is a frequent speaker on US relations with Taiwan, China, and Vietnam. Amb. Burghardt is a graduate of Columbia College and did graduate study at Columbia School of International and Public Affairs.

There will no longer be a optional buffet dinner prior to monthly programs



The Colorado Foothills World Affairs Council is dedicated to understanding foreign affairs and the role of the United States on the world stage.

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Once a month, we hear a world renowned expert on world affairs and discuss the talk over dinner and in question and answer sessions.

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The Colorado Foothills World Affairs Council is a members of the World Affairs Councils of America